Finding Deep Friendships in a Shallow World
In KNOWN, Dick and Ruth Foth offer inspiration and proven practices to build relationships through personal storytelling and affirmation. They draw on years of mentoring, rich relationships, and the model of Jesus to show you why friendship is one of the keys to a full life and the greatest gift we can give to each other.
“…..Reading Known gave me a fresh look on friendship and its important role in my life. …… the Foths’ personal experiences will bring incredible meaning and longevity to your relationships.”
“…You’re going to enjoy in these pages learning about friendships from the people who have been teaching me most of what I know about them.”
“…..Read this book if you want more meaningful friendships. Read this book if you want deeper conversations….. Read this book if you want to be moved. Read this book, and you’ll find yourself leaning into relationships the way Jesus intended them to be.”
“…..I’ve seen these pages in action. They have shaped my life, my family, my friends, and my community. I trust they will shape yours too.”
“Finding friendship and meaningful relationships can be both an art and an accident. Dick and Ruth Foth have given practical instruction to help navigate the relationships in your life. These tips will keep you sane and keep friendship alive. A must read!”
“The world is full of storytellers, but starving for sages. When Dick and Ruth Foth write a book, we get the rare privilege of both!”
“I look for three things from an author: credibility, authenticity, and clarity of message. Dick and Ruth Foth have delivered on all three……I will never look at relationships the same way again.”
“Known is a heartfelt, poignant, and inspiring read. In this day of mobile, fast-paced texting and e-mail, Dick and Ruth Foth teach us how to build deep friendships. ……..This book beautifully captures their collective wisdom and is a gift to all who read it.”
“….Dick and Ruth show what it means to live in deep relationships…Known is a transformative combination of theology and storytelling. It is exciting, finally, to have their adventures, experience, and wisdom down on paper for the rest of us to share!”
“……This is a great read from two people who model this friendship strategy in an exemplary way. Read this book and find greater joy in sharing stories that enable you to know and be known.”
“This is a book of wisdom; Dick’s to challenge, and Ruth’s to inspire. Together, they transform. Whether you are black, white, or brown; young or old; single or married—whatever your stage or station in life…..”
“…..this combined effort of Dick (the quintessential extrovert) and his wonderful wife Ruth (a self-described introvert) is the best book I have ever read on the subject of friendship……We are built to love God and one another. It is who and what we are as humans. Dick and Ruth offer an exhilarating voyage of discovery into this great unknown Known.”
“After living on a college campus for a few months…… I knew I had ‘friends,’ but still did not feel known. Dick and Ruth dare to speak the truth to this generation about authentic and God-centered friendships. This book helped me make sense of my college experiences like no other book I have ever read.”
A trip around the sun
Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure of a Lifetime
In a fun, storytelling style, Mark and Dick challenge readers to shake off fear, dream big, and quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death. The accumulated wisdom from their combined 117 trips around the sun radiates from every heartfelt page, invigorating those of us who have found ourselves stuck in a rut dug by our sense of duty and our fear of the unknown. Anyone who wants to grab life and squeeze every ounce of joy out of it will be inspired by this unapologetic celebration of the life Jesus died to give us.
“There is no word in the English language like the word adventure. A Trip around the Sun will awaken your hunger to make your life your adventure. If you can read this book without being stirred to life—check your pulse.”