Fresh wind in our faces and friends on board, we head into uncharted seas. For our epic trip, we choose the compass of wonder and trust and the Guide, who has been this way before!

“…I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging…”
- Gandalf in J.R. Tolkien’s THE HOBBIT



The Digital Age is all about change, but the need for true friendship never changes. We are designed for real engagement with others—affirmation that goes beyond a simple “like” on social media, for connection over meals, for hope and excitement about the future.

Above all, we need to be known and accepted for who we are. But how do we find and maintain this kind of friendship in a fluid and frenetic culture?

A Journey Into Faith

steve and laura katz

steve and laura katz

Golf: A metaphor for life

Greg Fairrington

Greg Fairrington

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Dick and ruth Foth

Dick and Ruth, between them, have circled the sun 150 times! They have 4 married children, and more fun yet, 12 grandchildren!

Their journeys have taken them many places. Lots of people have touched their lives---some for a day, some for a lifetime! 

That’s what KNOWN is about.